It's Just That We Work As Magicians

Sep 4, 2024

More than 3,000 servings of ice cream were presented to children by Stupino metallurgists on City Day.

It's Just That We Work As Magicians

Andrey Zavrazhnov, CMK Managing Director, initiated an unusual event - giving ice cream to young participants of the Stupino City Day celebration. On August 31 in the Culture and Recreation Park the team of organizers from CMK felt a little bit like magicians and treated all children with a tasty treat.

Marina Abramova, the head of the catering unit of shop No. 450, whose team, among other things, was responsible for the pleasant hassle of organizing the unusual action, tells us:

- On City Day, we distributed over three thousand servings of ice cream to children. Six freezers filled to the top with the favorite treat were delivered to the small stage in the city park. The assortment was for every taste - crème brûlée, plombier, vanilla and strawberry, and even ice cream with chocolate topping. Such an action initiated by the management of the Company was held for the first time and was met with great gratitude of the young participants of the holiday and their parents.

It's Just That We Work As Magicians

The location for distribution of ice cream was recognizable: a bright banner of the Company was installed here, a corporate flag was flying, and a stand with colorful leaflets containing congratulations for the City Day from the descendants of its first builders was located nearby.

It's Just That We Work As Magicians

On this day, CMC representatives heard many good words of gratitude and saw the delighted eyes of children. The main joy for them was that the holiday, like all good things, will pass, but the young participants will still have a sweet aftertaste for a good long time....

It's Just That We Work As Magicians

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