Certificate Is Granted!

Jan 14, 2023

Certificate Is Granted!

In January 2023, CKM received a certificate for a period of 3 years about compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015, issued by the Serbian certification body TMS CEE doo.

In December 2022, the auditors of the TMS CEE doo center worked at CMK for a week. All the processes and structural subdivisions included in the company's quality management system were in the center of their attention.

– “Every day of the audit was extremely busy. Representatives of the certification center TMS CEE doo checked 5-7 divisions of the enterprise per day, while noting the high quality indicators of the organization of production at CMK. As a result of the audit, we received a certificate of the quality management system compliance with the international standard ISO 9001” — says Olga Aleksandrovna Shchugoreva, Deputy Director for Quality and Certification of Processes and Products.

The auditors highly appreciated the quality management system, the level of production, and the technological capabilities of the enterprise. The positive aspects that particularly impressed the auditors were the updated production facilities, control and testing facilities, machine fleet of the enterprise that meet the international standards, high production culture, characterized by cleanliness and order in the structural divisions.

The strengths of the company were named: focus on customer satisfaction, designing in the framework of modeling technological processes, literacy and high qualification of personnel. Each division within the framework of the audit demonstrated itself as a part of a modern, socially oriented and efficiently developing enterprise. All of the above was reflected in the results of the audit, which ended with the absence of even minor inconsistencies and comments.

At the same time, the auditors offered several recommendations for improving the quality system. These relate primarily to improving the storage systems for materials with special storage conditions, detailing the maintenance of documentation for equipment repairs, as well as introducing methods for analyzing opportunities along with risk analysis for process improvement. These areas will become the main tasks for the development of the quality management system in 2023.

To confirm the high level of the quality management system for Russian customers, CMK also received accreditation from the Certification Center “Rostekh-Sertifikat” at the end of 2022 for compliance with the GOST R ISO 9001-2015 standard, an analogue of the international standard ISO: 9001.

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