Congratulations on the Victory Day!

May 5, 2022

Congratulations on the Victory Day!

Dear Metallurgists and Veterans!

I congratulate you on Victory Day – the most important day, which is a steadfast testimony to the strength of spirit, courage and heroism of our people.

We will always honor the feat of all those who heroically fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, worked in the rear, restored the country in the post-war years. The courage, resilience and dedication of the generation of winners lives in our memory.

On this day, we pay tribute with the deep respect and sincere gratitude to the veterans and homefront workers who, at the cost of their lives and incredible efforts, survived and won this war.

We bow down before the veterans who defended the freedom and independence of our Motherland. I wish you good health, prosperity and peace!

В этот знаменательный праздник искренне желаю вам счастья, крепкого здоровья, мира вашим домам! Пусть Победа и память о ней будут всегда с нами – в сердцах, добрых начинаниях, постоянной и каждодневной заботе о старшем поколении.

Best regards,

V.P. Shmelev, CMK General Director

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